Saturday, August 7, 2010

What's the deal with kids anyway?

I am starting to wonder if our children are as doomed as we are. Of course, no child asks to be born, but lets look at the state in which most children are born. I can tell you that a great number of children are born into poverty every day in China, India, Africa etc. But I won't tell you this because you already know. You maybe on of this decent souls who sponsors one of these children, for just pennies a day you are providing them with food, an education and medicine. Good for you. What I would like to point out is children in these our "first world"countries.

More and more kids have no reason to be born to their idiot parents. So many couples have a child who can barely afford to stay above the water themselves, never mind support a kid. Of course there is always the baby who will save the marriage. I see that one in particular abundance. This is how is works: Say you have a cheating or simple outright dirt-bag husband,his wife doesn't have the courage to do what she should and leave him, no--instead she gets knocked up. She hopes that being with child will do two things: 1) Make aforementioned dirt-bag pay attention to her thus she feels her love for him is justified. 2) Knowing he will soon be a father, aforementioned dirt-bag's responsible switch will suddenly go on. He will clean up his act, get a haircut and get a real job because as a baby daddy he needs to do the right thing.

Of course if these worked we wouldn't have shows like Maury.Or the Ontario government would not need to pass the law it recently did prohibiting drivers to smoke in a car with children in it. See, a reasonable person reading this is asking "What the deuce? People actually smoke with kids in the car?" Yes they do, in fact so many do it that a law was needed to address this.

If the man is really a dirt-bag or even a douche bag, he has no business having kids--juts image how he will raise his little douche/dirt-bag children? The same can be said for women--there are plenty of dirt-bag women out there too. When my wife was pregnant, during our regular trips to her OB we run into one woman who was seeing the same doctor. This woman already had a toddler and was expecting her second child--of course before and after her visit to the doc she's light up a smoke and puff away while pushing the stroller. Why this woman is allowed to have/raise children is beyond me. Her poor kids will probably turn out to be like her, an idiot.

Do the world a favor, if you're an idiot don't have children.

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