Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome to humanity

A few weeks ago one of my favorite bands, The Zoombombs were in Toronto and came over for their annual dinner at my home. The band leader and my friend, Don Matsuo and I always engage in the most interesting conversations. He suggested that I blog.

I used to blog way back when I was a filmmaker, in hopes of attacting attention and money (mainly money) for my third feature film, Ashita. "The fact is," I told him, "nobody is really interested in what I have to say." And I bet I am right about that. Nonetheless here I am with a brand new blog about why I think this planet is slowly achieving its inevitbale doom. Strike that--why humanity is slowly achieving its inevitable doom.

Every single day I see random acts of stupidy by randomly stupid people. I figured since I can't smack them or tar and feather them, I might as well expose thier perplexing activities/attitude for all to see. I am not talking about random joes on the street--most random joes are rather intelligent and are frankly doing the best they can to survive. I am talking about the larger machine of society that imbeds the very foolishness that will cause the human race to destroy itself or at the very least render us into a state of Planet of the Apes like roll reversal apocalypse.

"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

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