Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Does the planet really need our help?

Just earlier I was walking through College Park in Toronto, which is not really a park, its more like a mini-mall or shopping edifice. The Metro grocery store had a nifty little sign posted informing its patrons that it was doing its part to help save the Earth. The sign stated that as an effort to conserve energey and evidently save the planet for our great, great, great grandchildren the store had dimmed its lights. This is compounded, of course, on Toronto's new by-law for all retail stores to charge five cents (ahem six cents with the new Ontario HST) for plastic bags.

Of course, there is no money to be made in all these valliant efforts to save our planet (insert sarcastic eye twinkle here). In fact most of the plastic bags we get--or buy--are made in North America. The re-usable bags that stores are selling you at 99 cents etc. are made in China (surpise, surprise). That being said another person in the already financially difficult North America is losing a job to cheap Chinese labor--oh and by the way, what is China doing to conserve Mother Earth? Give yourself a cookie if you said nothing.

Why do I have a feeling that people are being screwed in the hiney by these "green" efforts?

The question is does the Earth really need our help to survive? I don't think so. The Earth has survived far worse than human abuse. For staters the planet survived its own creation through the big bang (look it up), it later suffered a life ending apocalypse when a giant asteroid crashed into the planet, it suffered an ice age. Are we so arrogant that we think we're powerful enough or intelligent enough to destroy an entire planet? No our abuse of the planet's resources will only destory human kind. The planet Earth will endure. Take a ride on the Toronto subway, you may realize that a planet without people may, in the end, be for the best.

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