Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reality TV is slowly destroying the planet

All this so called reality TV poo-poo is evidence that people are so bored with their lives that they have to mind other’s people’s business. They enjoy being spectators in the failings of other people’s lives. Why is that? I can’t fathom any reason.

In 1987 a little movie came out called The Running Man. Ten or twelve years later some monkey in a TV executive costume thought what a nifty idea this would be to televise people’s lives and potentially uncomfortable situations. Because everybody knows that the meat and potatoes of reality TV is the uncomfortable situations. It makes people feel better to know that so-and-so was rejected by the bachelorette and what’s her name was voted off the island. But nothing is better than the celebrity rehab shows! Oh what fun it is to zone out on the misery and short comings of the people we zoned out to oh so many years ago. Of course if that’s not your thing you can always watch what happens in a less washed out celebrity’s home. You can watch him figure why his kids are so messed up—yup cameras in your house all day will really not mess them up any more. My personal favorite is when reality TV becomes even more real, like when Kate cheated on Jon and then it was a battle for the eight kids… what a doozy! Soon there will be reality TV celebrity rehab!

Remember when they outlawed public hangings? There was a reason for that, but soon executions will be televised. A few years ago Toronto introduced street cameras downtown (ironically people thought it would invade their privacy), I wouldn't be surprised if they started a new Cops type crime show called Random Street Violence. Anyway they way people are going they'd rather watch someone get beat up on TV than actually do anything to help a stranger in trouble.

Humanity is on a really short leash.

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