Monday, August 30, 2010

Hey bub, trying being nice

Someone asked me an interesting question the other day. I was asked what I would do if I had a billion dollars.

Other than buy Cuba for my own private stash of cigars and rum, I said, I probably would do a lot of good. And that’s one of the problems of today’s modern society: People are afraid of good deeds. Every time I help someone out, they think I want something or that I have ulterior motives. Is this the uncultured xenophobia we have become. Sadly I think so. We prejudge, we compare, we are our own trends.

Why is real estate so stupidly priced in Toronto? Because people “need” to have a house or a god forsaken condo in order to feel that they’ve achieved a certain level in life? Believe me being a homeowner will not make you feel better about yourself, especially in five years when you interest rates sky rocket—you’ll probably be even more of a pissy prick than you already are. You want to feel rewarded, try and do something good for no reason. Help somebody because they need it and they don’t expect it. Do small things that can make somebody’s life better, or at least make them smile for one moment in their otherwise bleak day. It sucks for all of us, so let’s help each other out. In the end, when your miserable life comes to end you will realize that your overpriced crap-ass condo means nothing. Making a teeny-tiny difference in someone’s life means more and will go a lot further than anything else. I’m not saying donate your whole salary or something like that… it’s the small things. Hold the door for someone, help your neighbor shovel their walk, give your seat on the subway to a pregnant woman, talk to that smelly co-worker nobody likes.

Try it, and feel better. Don’t and remain that selfish idiot who is contributing to the slow decay of humanity through consumption and gluttony.

Have a nice day. :)

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